Corner knot design


Create beautiful Celtic knotwork designs for crafts just by typing on your computer!

Celtic knot corner pattern


Carved Celtic knot design

It's NOT a lettering font (although we include one for free) - it's a design tool that creates patterns by typing.

Traditional Celtic knot
All of the Celtic knotwork on this site was created with the Celtic Knot Font.
Traditional Celtic knot


The Celtic Knot Font is perfect for designing craft projects!

Create unique Celtic knotwork on your computer - play with it until you get exactly the perfect knotwork for your project - then print it!

You can use the Celtic Knot Font to create patterns or decorations for ANY craft.

Comes with 76 fully editable and scalable royalty-free designs made with the Font - better than clip-art!
Use them as-is or modify to suit your needs.

Just some of the crafts for which it can be used:

Vertical Celtic knot

Stained Glass
Costume and clothing decoration

Machine or hand embroidery

Polymer clay
Irish dance dresses

Glass etching
Egg sculpture
Gourd painting or carving

Parchment craft

Whatever your craft or hobby, you can decorate it with ornate Celtic Knotwork!

Create your own interlaced designs just by typing. This True Type font works on any PC or Mac, in the word-processing programs you are already using, or any program that lets you choose a font. The designs are fully scalable so you can print them out at exactly the size you want as patterns for any craft.

What you get for just $20:
The Celtic Knot Font that lets you make an endless number of your own designs.
76 fully editable and resizable royalty-free sample designs made with the Font. (Use them as-is or modify to suit your needs.)
A free Celtic Uncial-style lettering font.

Shaded Celtic knot design

What is the Celtic Knot Font?

I studied hundreds of Celtic knots and dozens of tutorials on how to make them, then took those knots and the techniques to make them and distilled them down into a set of standard elements. I took those elements and converted them into a font.

Why a font?

The reason is simple. Most people do not have the expensive drawing programs necessary to create these knots. Ready-made clip-art is fine if you want a limited number of designs that are already used by hundreds of other people, but if you want to create knots of your own design you have to learn to use a drawing program and spend many hours working with it just to create the most basic designs. But not any more! I have done the hard part for you. All you have to do is put the pieces together! Every piece is drawn to an accuracy of better than 0.00001 inches. That means that each piece will line up perfectly with the next piece. There are only 3 styles of edges on all of the pieces. If you can just match one side with the next you can create thousands of different knots.

Basic knots:

There are over 200 "characters" or knot-pieces in this font, so the combinations you can make are nearly endless. Let's start with just 9 of them, located conveniently in one corner of you computer keyboard:

The corners of this square make the corners of a knot. The sides make the sides of a knot and the middle guessed it, the middle of a knot.

If you type each row of three keys followed by the Enter key, the Celtic Knot Font will make this pattern:

As you can see, it makes a nice square knotwork design. Let's get a little more fancy. If we type more of the letters that make the top edge, the middle section, and the bottom edge we can extend the knot like this:

See how the "a" key makes the left side and the "d" key makes the right side? Watch this:

Using these two keys will make a vertical break in the weave. This is the basis of all Celtic Knotwork. Make a grid and introduce breaks into the grid to create a decorative pattern. Likewise we can use the "w" key and the "x" key to make horizontal breaks. Like this:

These examples were made using just 9 of the pieces available in the Celtic Knot Font. There over 200 different pieces available in the full font!

By assembling these pieces you can make thousands of different Celtic Knots.

The Font works on any PC or Mac, with no special software needed.

Celtic knot divider

Featured Artist: Tira Mitchell

Tira is an engraver extrordinaire!. She has engraved everything from jewelry to custom motorcycles and hot rods.

She recently sent me a photograph of a 45 automatic pistol that she had engraved using the Celtic Knot Font for her pattern. She supplimented the gun with a matching silver belt buckle. This in not CNC engraving, this is old-fashioned hand engraving.
If you need some engraving done, be sure to give Tira a try. You can find her and see more of her work at her website:


Featured Artist Tira Mitchell



I (Daniel Isdell) created the design for this box with the Font, and then carved it out using a CNC milling machine:

The extreme accuracy of the Font characters enables them to be used in computer controlled applications such as laser engraving, vinyl sign cutting, CAD CAM for jewelry making, and CNC machining and routing.

My late wife Laurie (Laurie Isdell) used the Charted Style Celtic Knot Font to make the pattern for this beadwork project:

small Celtic knot
The following are examples of arts and crafts created by our customers using the Celtic Knot Font:
Small Celtic knot


Kathy Johnson created the Celtic knot designs for these beautiful Celtic applique quilts with the Font (note the blue ribbon she won!).

Celtic quilt
Celtic applique quilt bedspread



Custom painter W. David Webster of ThikSkin Design used the Celtic Knot Font to create the knotwork (except for the shamrock) for this spectacular motorcycle tank and fender. To read his description of how he did it, click here.

Celtic motorcycle tank

Airbrushed shamrock design on motorcycle tank

Celtic knots on motorcycle fender



These awesome leather motorcycle saddlebags with Celtic knots were designed and carved by Guy Whelan. Click here to read the details.

Celtic knot motorcycle saddlebag



Sue Barstow of Kenyon-Barstow Company sent us this photo of a beautiful stained glass Celtic knot panel she created - and she says she plans to design many more with the font!

Stained glass Celtic knot



Rickey Turner designed this spectacular stained glass doorway with the Celtic Knot Font. The photos show it on the workbench and installed.

Celtic stained glass door panel
Celtic knotwork doorway



Tereena Clarke of Artecy Cross Stitch offers high-quality printable patterns, including some designed with the Celtic Knot Font, such as this lovely Celtic knot heart counted cross stitch pattern:

Celtic knot heart counted cross stitch pattern



Maria Lee created this spectacular bracelet with black, silver, and gold-plated delica beads:



This New York Times bestseller used the knot from the Celtic Knot Font CD for the cover art!

An Echo in the Bone



Ken Pite and the students at Kumsheen School in Lytton, British Columbia created these gorgeous CD boxes with a computer controlled laser cutter/engraver.

CD boxes



This exquisite clock was carved by Marty Leenhouts of



These unique Celtic knot stencils are part of a new Irish collection created by Tori Padilla-Williamson of Stencil Me In.

Celtic knot stencil
Celtic knots stencil


Professional illustrator and graphic designer Dale Chase of Chase Face Media used the font to create the knotwork designs for this stunning chess table he made. Here are his tips for how he did it.

Celtic knotwork chess table
Celtic knot chess table detail



Gary Knox carved this handsome knotwork cross out of walnut wood.

Celtic knot cross



Jack Hamilton of ScorpionJacks does custom laser engraving on glass and wood.



This knotwork heart is just one of the numerous patterns created from designs made with the Celtic Knot Font that are available as counted cross stitch booklets on Shawn Snaples' Cowtown Cross Stitch website.

counted cross stitch heart Celtic knot



This lovely cross stitch knot was done by Scarlett Rose. You can purchase the embroidery machine design files (PES, HUS, PCS, JEF, XXX, or SEW formats) for a variety of lovely Celtic knots, hearts, and crosses, both cross stitch and embroidery, by visiting Scarlett Rose.



Our customer Magda Pietrzak in Glasgow, Scotland had stitched out these nice designs from our Charted Pattern Pack.




Andy DePaule of offers these gorgeous rosettes and fret board inlays for custom guitars.

Celtic fret board inlays
Celtic guitar rosette
Celtic paua rosette



Cathal McDonnell uses the Celtic Knot Font with a CNC vinyl sign cutter to make signs and to create masks for painting, goldleafing and etching glass. Here are some examples of the results:

Celtic knots etched in glass

Celtic knots etched in glass

Vinyl cut pub sign with Celtic knots

Pub sign (recognize the knots from the top corners of this page?)


This beautifully shaded Celtic knot woodburning project was sent in by Nedra Denison of Nedra teaches and authors books about pyrography, but this was her first design created with the Celtic Knot Font.

Celtic knot pyrography



Barbara Haney of sent these photos of her handpainted slates. She says, "The old way [hand drawing] just made it too expensive timewise to use for my slates and so I'm delighted with the software..."

Painted Celtic heart knot slate



Chris Jordan created this beautiful hand woven wool rug. You can see another Celtic knot rug in progress on the loom at his website

Hand woven Celtic knotwork rug



This gorgeous fireplace was decorated by Heather Stoehr using transfer paper and woodburning tools.

Celtic knots woodburned on fireplace



Tom Collins designed his own Celtic knot armband tattoo with the Font. He was kind enough to share a photo, but has requested that folks create their own designs and not copy this one for their own tattoos.

Celtic knot armband tattoo

(For more on using the Font to design tattoos and our special Tattoo Set with over 200 patterns, click here.)


Would you believe this box was Martha Schreffler's first pyrography project? In her words, "I wanted to share with you my delight and success in creating a woodburning project within about three hours of purchasing your knot font."

Box with pyrography Celtic knots



A while back, Jackie Catts posted the "pattern" for a dragonfly knot to the Knotwork Network.

Steve Blandford made a few changes to that design and used a scrollsaw to create this lovely work of art in walnut.

Scrollsaw dragonfly



Tom Jarvis shared his own cool version of the scrollsaw dragonfly, along with the text to create it (see the Knotwork Network for Tom's "pattern").

Celtic knot dragonfly



Lisa Sensinger sent these photos of her carved ostrich egg. Called "Hearts United", it won "1st Place Novice Relief Carving" and "Best of Show Runner-up" in The Eggshell Sculptor Eggshell Carving Contest 2002. Hard to believe that she's a novice, isn't it?

Celtic heart ostrich egg Carved cross design on ostrich egg Celtic knot heart ostrich egg



Tom Beck created this beautiful cherry wood box. The intricate Celtic knot design is cut from walnut.

Box with inlaid Celtic knot



Sharon of Scrappy Celtics created these embellishments for scrapbooks.
Celtic knot border scrapbook embellishment
Celtic knot Interlaced scrapbook embellishment
Celtic knotwork scrapbook embellishment
Celtic knot design for scrapbooking

A heart design created with the Outline Style Celtic Knot Font:
The same design cut out for a scrapbook:
Celtic knot heart
Celtic knot heart scrapbook embellishment



Jim Morton III made and woodburned this very attractive CD rack. Plans for building it are available through his website,

Woodburned Celtic knots on CD rackCD rack with woodburned knotwork


Holly Moore of Custom Leathercrafts made this wood and leather Irish whistle box as a gift for a friend.

Irish whistle box

Here's a close-up of the Celtic knot design tooled in the leather:

Celtic knot design in leather


Thanks to Stargazer for sharing this lovely box, made with polymer clay covering a small tin. She is creating a tutorial on how to make the polymer clay canes using the Celtic Knot Font - be sure to check our tutorials page next month!

Polymer clay Celtic knots on tin

This bracelet was made by Oberon Design. They are the folks who make those beautiful leather bound journals and checkbook covers with Celtic knotwork on them. They are using the Celtic Knot Font to design some of their new products!

Oberon Design Celtic knot bracelet

Pat Whittemore created this pretty knotwork stitchery. She teaches classes in the San Jose, California area on using Pfaff machine embroidery software.

Machine embroidery Celtic knot



The design for this embroidered Welsh lovespoon was created and stitched out by Dave Carter.

embroidered Welsh lovespoon



Anne Pyle of digitized one of our sample knots to be stitched with an embroidery machine. It looks great with a monogram in the center!

Embroidered Celtic knot border


This project was created by sculptor and woodworker Michael Macdonald. Michael made the box and then embellished it with a carved knot motif created with the Celtic Knot Font.

Carved Celtic knotwork box



This lovely interlaced cross pendant was laser engraved in wood by Matt and Fin McNiel of True Reflections Laser Engraving.

Laser engraved cross pendant


All of the projects shown on this page were designed with the Celtic Knot Font!

Celtic ditClick here to orderCeltic dit
(With online ordering you could be playing with it in minutes!)

...or call (707) 774-1369 9am to 9pm PST

NEW - charted graph versions for beadwork and cross stitch!

The following is the pattern created by just one key of the new Charted Celtic Knot Fonts:

Charted 12G Grid Style
for loomed beadwork, cross stitch, intarsia knitting etc.

Charted 12B Brick Style
for beadwork in Peyote, Comanche, and Brick style.


Shaded Celtic knot design

Be sure to check out our tutorial:
Celtic knot decorationHow to Draw Celtic Knotwork
Celtic knot decoration
A Side-By-Side Comparison of Two Methods

Click here to learn more about the Celtic Knot Font!

We will continue to add content to this page including photos of crafts made with the Celtic Knot Font and patterns for crafts that you can make! Submit photos of your project and we will include it here!

Be sure to check back often as we will be adding updates to the site!

Purple Celtic knotwork bar

A number of the quilters in the Celtic Appliqué Quilter's Group are using the font to design quilts. We can't wait to see pictures!

Visit Scarlett Rose's website for a variety of quilting goodies, information about her books and workshops, and to see photos of some really beautiful quilts.

Click here to order!
(With online ordering you could be playing with it in minutes!)

...or call (707) 393-1638 9am to 9pm PST
7610 Elphick Rd.
Sebastopol, CA 95472

(707) 393-1638

Contact Us

Home | Computer Graphics | Scrapbooking | Embroidery
Tattoos | NEW Charted (graphed) Fonts |
Knotwork Network |
How to Draw Celtic Knotwork
Weddings |
How the Celtic Knot Font Works | Tips and Tutorials | All Products/Order

This page and all content (except where otherwise noted) Copyright � 2001 - 2024 by Daniel L. Isdell.


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